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Tuesdays, from 7:00 to 9:30 pm - Starting May 14th to June 11th

Taught by Patricia Srigley

Come and experiment a watercolour course of a different kind! Come and play the Musical Chair of colours, and discover the beauty of having a new palette of colours every week! ! Don't miss this opportunity!


Chaque mardis, de 19h00 à 21h30 - Commence le 14 mai et termine le 11 juin

Nous vous présentons un tout nouveau genre de cours d’aquarelle que nous intitulons: la Chaise Musicale des couleurs! Ne manquez pas cette opportunité!


*materials not  included


*PLEASE NOTE: When checking out, please select "Art Centre Activity" for your desired delivery method. This will omit shipping fees.*

Watercolour Course with Patricia Srigley

SKU : AC2024

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